Oh my. Where did the month go to?
As I careen through my life it seems I've always been in pursuit of answering the question -- Who am I? Who am I, separate from what I can see around me? Who am I, separate from what I do? Who am I separate from friends, lovers, husbands, family? People say, "You are such and such," based on all of the above criteria (and more). In the past, my tendency was to either take what people said into consideration, or to rebel and discarded it immediately upon hearing it, or discount it because it didn't feel entirely true. But I have also discovered that you have to start
someplace and the someplace is acknowledging all these sides of yourself, and the answer is to continue to live in the perpetual question: Who am I?
The above photo was taken in one of my favorite Napa/Alexander Valley stopping places -- the
Jimtown Store in Healdsburg, CA. I was wandering around looking at the country antiques they have in the back, and started taking some photos. Saw a good opportunity to catch a Mirror, Mirror shot. And all of sudden my husband Munro sneaked up on me, horning in on the shot. He just makes me laugh -- I think that's one BIG reason why we have been able to stay together for 30 years! We make each other laugh! So looking at this photo I can see this about myself: I have an eye for composition, I take delight in surprises, I enjoy companionship -- I love my husband!