Monday, April 27, 2009

April Challenge Photo Submission by Judy F.

This is Judy Fouchaux's fabulous April Challenge photo. She resent it to me in a larger format, so I reposted it. Wonderful! What do you see Judy, when you look at your reflection? - I see a passionate, sensual, self-assured, bigger-than-life woman! What do you see?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Out and About April Photo 2

OK, I'm invoking my editor/blog owner privilages here, and posting another Out and About photo. It's taken in a one-way mirror facing the Regent's Canal on the Camden Lock walkway.

I look at how pretty the water is and the color and pattern of the bricks, then my eye is drawn to my image. I wish I was smiling more -- I was having a good time taking photos on the walk. But I tend to frown when I focus down on something. My eyes get narrower, the line between my eyebrows gets deeper -- I look serious!!! I can be having fun, but nobody would know it! How can I feel the mane in my wind when I am focusing? Well, that's something to think about!

April Wild Card 2 Photo

Here's my Wild Card 2 for April -- remember, you get two of them this month. This is Munro and I hooking up at Kew Gardens after a long, lazy afternoon of walking. A beautiful day for garden viewing with my sweetie.

April Out and About Photo

This was taken at Kew Gardens, outside of London. Love the color of the grass in the background and the artsy floral header of the sign.

April Wild Card Photo

This is a wild me in a wild mirror. Actually I think I'm trying to eliminate any wrinkles I see around my mouth. Nice colors, I seem healthy enough. Not too bad.

All you participants (come on you shy ones, here's the opportunity to be silly) send in your April Wild Card photos or links to your photos and I'll post them!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Billy Hayes' April Photo

Hello! Here is Billy Hayes' April photo. Just lovely and so sweet. What do you see when you look in the mirror, Billy? What do other people see?

I see a man young at heart, and a granddaughter that celebrates, without thinking or judging, the joy she feels with her grandaddy. I see love and its fragility and strength all wrapped up in one bundle.

Thank you, Billy.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mirror, Mirror: April Fool

Scaredy Cat?
What is it about April? Balmy, springy days here in Marin County; the light is warm, coaxing, and even hints of the heat of summer. All the trees are blooming or sending out buds. The daffodils are almost gone and a few roses are showing blooms. I start feeling better about myself because I want to get outdoors again. I look in the mirror, and I think, well, I'll start looking better soon, because I'll be getting more sun on my face. I'll be drinking more water. What is it that I look in the mirror and see an older person. I am older. But whoever is looking out of my eyes hasn't aged...that's for sure. I can feel that that person is just moving, moving through this life and thinking and feeling things that has nothing to do with age or wrinkles. It just mooooves.

The initial photo I took, I didn't like and I didn't want to post. So the one above, although it does show part of me (and Angelina Beautyquina's ears) is my April Fool's Photo. My real April Photo is this one:

OK -- Here's My Real April Photo!
Take an April Fool's Photo of yourself. And because this is April Fool's month, I am giving you an extra Wild Card Photo Op to honor the Trickster in all of us. Post a comment on where to find your photos (blog, Face Book, Flicker, etc.). And tell me what you think about your photos. If you like you can answer these questions:

Who are you seeing when you look in a mirror? Is that really you? Or, are you just wearing a costume? Who is that looking out of your eyes?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why a Mirror, Mirror Challenge?

I started a blog My Mane Blowing in the Wind a few short months ago. I had been experiencing a desire to journal again, but wanted a medium that could utilize more than the traditional, pen and paper (and art supplies). I had seen artist's blogs in the Somerset magazine, Artful Blogging, and I thought I could use my blog to showcase my jewelry as well as art I create.

I wanted to make the blog personal, so I searched for a photo I liked of myself. These, however, are far and few between, for I always see something wrong or lacking in photos of me. Finally, I came across some photos I had snapped of myself in the bathroom mirror late last summer when I was playing with my newly purchased Canon PowerShot. Not great, but not bad. I carefully studied the photo, much like I study myself in the mirror. As always, there was a litany of questions: Who is that woman? Is she pretty? She looks old. She was once pretty, maybe. No, she's pretty. But she needs more makeup on. She needs not to be frowning so. And on and on and on...

Then last week, for lack of anything to post, I posted another mirror photo. Then started thinking about this whole process -- the self-criticism, the borderline self-absorption, the yes, enjoyment, of mirror gazing. What am a seeing? What is behind that image of myself? Who is looking out of my eyes? Why do I insist on believing my perceptions. They always seem to be skewed, or distorted. AHA. I decided I wanted to explore this monthly and see what, if anything comes of it. And then I thought, maybe there are others who might like to do this.

So, I threw a gauntlet down -- for myself to pick up -- hence, The Mirror, Mirror Challenge.
However, I invite you to join me, or just can just come along for the ride by subscribing to this feed. Email me if you want to take on this challenge, otherwise just enjoy!