Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September Wild Card Submission from Virginia

Mirror Mirror
Originally uploaded by beautiful my mane
I am taking an e-course called Bones of the Poet, hosted by Madelyn Mulvaney (checkout her blog Persisting Stars). It challenges you to look at and take photos in a different way, not so structured, involving all of senses. Really like this and looking forward to seeing what emerges.
This was a quickie assignment -- lock your self in the bathroom and click away. Very randomely -- I liked how the camera caught the light from the fixture and how you see me in both mirrors1


  1. Awesome picture! Looks like somebody had fun!

  2. Yes, I am enjoying these photo assignments -- and liking how I mange to include Mirror Mirror in them! This photo reminds me of how much I love color and have a design eye like my mom, my grandmother, and sister!
