Monday, November 16, 2009

Mirror Mirror November Submission from Billy

"Here is my entry for November. I took the afternoon off today to run some errands. I stopped to get gas and two Antique Hudson Automobiles were there. I grabbed my camera and started shooting. The paint finish on this 1949 Hudson was so perfect that I was able to make an entry for November. I love cars and I was so impressed with this one. Thank goodness that some people are smart enough to save these for future generations to enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -- Billy


  1. great shot!..looks like the color of nail polish

  2. Yes, I like this and I am amazed by the wax job -- whooo-eee-- you can see for miles in that! Also, did you notice Billy that My Mirror Mirror submission contains the same color?

  3. This me be my favorite picture yet! I did notice the heart colors in my picture and yours! Two hearts that are on the same beat! Even after 35 years!
