Saturday, November 28, 2009

Others, Mirror, Self : New Mirror, Mirror Category

In light of the photo that Billy submitted of his granddaughter and one I just received from Robert P., I am announcing a new Mirror, Mirror category: Others, Mirrors, Self.

As photographers, amateur or professional, every photograph we take reveals something of our self. It reflects something we are interested in, something we might desire, something that gives us pleasure, something that reveals a deep feeling about ourselves.

So in this category, Others, Mirror, Self (thank you Robert for the name) you can submit a picture of someone else mirrored in a reflective surface. You do not have to be in the frame, but you need to have taken the picture. And most important, I would like you to share what this picture or this person reflects to you about your self.

I look forward to seeing your submissions!

P.S. You can use recent or past photos in any of the Mirror, Mirror categories.

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