Here's a quote to get you thinking, from Richard Bach (Mr. Jonathan Living Seagull himself):
"Look in a mirror and one thing's sure; what we see is not who we are."
Who are we really? Surely we are not just the skin and bones and hair that we see reflected back to us. I look at myself now in the mirror and there seems such a discrepancy between who I see there and what I feel like inside. I look at a 50+ year old and I feel 25, 35, 45 years younger -- sometimes even 25 years older! It is a big puzzle. A big frustrating puzzle. So, what am I to believe? Do I look at my mirror's image and believe I am over the hill and start to act that way? Or do I look at that image and think yes, there are lines, but maybe they are not real, maybe they are not the whole picture. I like living in the question that perhaps not everything I see is real, and is influenced by limitations of my own perceptions.
I invite you to ponder this as you take your picture this month. What does that photo tell you about yourself? What about yourself does the photo reveal? What does it not? Don't think about it too much, but see what comes out of it for you. And comment on other people's photos when you have chance. Let them know what you see.
Remember you can submit more than one photo over the month. There are several categories, all described in the side column, and I am always open to suggestions for new ones:
1. Who Am I This Month?
2. Wild Card
3. Out and About
4. Others, Mirror, Self (You don't have to be in this photo, just need to have taken it.)
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