Monday, June 29, 2009

June Challenge Submission from Sheryl

"I was really inspired by your Mirror, mirror challenge and got a little creative with it, using two mirrors to see what kind of effect I would get. It is interesting to me how I look almost like i could be two different people depending on the angle in which you see a person. Thank you." -- Sheryl

Monday, June 22, 2009

June Extra Wild Card Photo Submission: Chrissy

"Here's an 'extra wild card' mirror challenge... I think I have mastered taking a photo from my inside mirror!.. took about 12 tries, lol.... anyway 4 years ago I got this 4Runner at the begging of Eric.. Months before I met him I was in an accident where the road was slightly slick and I had made a right turn ( from a dead stop) and somehow managed to roll my Pathfinder... What a mess that was.. Pathfinders back then were top heavy now they are more stable.. I know my 4Runner has a stabilizer bar across the roof and it is a big improvement all around..." -- Chrissy

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Extra Wid Card Photo for June

I was looking at my bookshelves and thinking that I must straighten and redecorate them, and good-humoredly noticed the collection of various horse images and knicknacks. Not surprising because I owned horses and trained and rode them for over 40 years. And of course played with them as a little girl.
One of my friends jokingly said one evening over dinner, "Virginia, do you realize you have over 130 horse images in your home?" And he was right, he even missed some! So who is that horseless (for over 4 years) horse girl? I grabbed a few of my horse chotchkes and my camera and went over to the living room mirror. I got down on the floor and arranged them and took this picture. I can see the little girl in me, that's for sure. The one that when she rode or daydreamed about riding also felt a sense of freedom and power. And of course Angie, who was buddies with my last great horse, Magic, had to be in the picture, too.

Monday, June 15, 2009

June Wild Card Submission: Chrissy

"Yesterday, I was fooling around and I love the mirror in the bathroom downstairs... The lighting is a bit harsh due to the type of light fixture... Also the walls are not that puddy grey, its actually olive green!... See what the camera does? I've even put it in the auto-edit program and it didn't do a bit of good. But I liked how the edge of the mirror which has a slight bevel caused a double effect... " -- Chrissy

Mirir, Mirror June Challenge: Chrissy

"Well, I was able to take this after 4 rejected tries!. And yes this is my yard, my never ending hobby.... I am working on making it a sanctuary not only for me but for the finches and robins that now look forward to seeing me put out their feed.... Well Virginia, what do u think? a few years older than the photo on my page, huh?
I am glad u started this challenge and hopefully, I will be less critical of myself in photos..LOL.." -- Chrissy

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mirror Mirror Wild Card Submission: June

I was on the way to the dance studio in Sausalito and sitting at a light getting ready to take a left turn. These beautiful, pink grasses were in the median, waving in the breeze. I had to take a picture of them, they were so soft and luscious looking! When I got home and uploaded them, I realized that I had unintentionally put myself in the photo! I am so serious looking -- so focused on getting the picture that my tongue is pressing into the inside of my cheek. I didn't know I did that -- Horrors! My grandfather used to do that when he was focusing on planing a piece of wood, or rototilling the garden plot, or cutting the grass. Maybe I got that from him! I also like that the photo is sideways. So here's my Mirror Mirror Wild Card for the month of June!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Feel Free to Comment on Others Photos

Just wanted to encourage you guys to comment on other people's photos if you like something you see! Found a great quote for those of you (including me!):

"Mirrors lie. You are much better looking than that in 3-D." -- Merrill Markoe, sitcom writer

A good thing to remember! And I want to be able to look in the mirror and not have a reaction; to see a little deeper than skin surface; and to play a bit with it.

Hence, the Mirror, Mirror Challenge!

Who are you seeing when you look in a mirror? Is that really you? Or, are you just wearing a costume? Who is that looking out of your eyes?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June Out and About Submission: Jesse S.

While I really would like to focus on my weight gain this month, the opportunity to include Mom in one of the Mirror, Mirror Challenges is just too irresistible. I can always be distressed by an abrupt gain in weight, but Mom may not always be here (and with God’s grace, she is here, today). So, here is June’s inclusion from Kentucky: Mom, in the nursing home, sitting gracefully at her table for dinner, while Son orbits around her, looking for a good perspective in the bathroom mirror. -- Jesse S.

June Out and About Submission

Ok, here's my Out and About for June. I was walking around downtown Novato while waiting for a tire to be fixed and stopped by my favorite florist's shop. What a great store, beautiful flowers, vintage aprons hanging from the ceiling an a wonderful woman's vanity in the window.
Although it was a gloomy day and I felt a little out of sorts, looking at myself in the vanity mirror made me feel I was part of the colorful, cozy shop.
So come on people, send in your submissions!

June Challenge Submission from Jesse S.

Originally uploaded by bulgakov1990
My brother just sent me a set of photos in FlickR for possible Mirror Mirror submissions. I am using editor's privilege here and submitting this first photo for my brother since he's been watching this blog since I started it!

You can't see his face (hiding?) but I love this because their is a photo of him with our Mom on the chest, as well as a bust his head sculpted when he was a little boy. A wonderful photo. Care to comment Jesse?

Monday, June 8, 2009

June Challenge Judie F.'s Submission

"While thinking about my self portrait for June, I also thought about how I wouldn't be who I am without the experiences I've had in the past. I began delving into the family photos I've scanned into the computer. Back into the deep recesses of my early days. From there a collage was born. This therefore is the first product of this adventure of where the journey began."
-- Judie

June Challenge Billy H.'s Submission

"Life is Good! I am so lucky! I am 56 years old and doing a job [hauling horses to and from Thoroughbred farms] that I enjoy. I get to drive the roads of Kentucky and see the great beauty of Nature." -- Bill Hayes

Mirror Mirror Challenge: June

I can't believe we are already into the second week of June!!! I have been lax in my duties as host. Bad me. And today I have the Monday Blues, with little energy, and I'm just moping around. So I had to push myself to take a photo of myself and get the photos up you sent me. So here is mine -- sad sack that I am, I'm sitting on my pole stage and I have my arm around a stuffed pony my brother gave me. I was very mopey when I sat down, but as I moved the pony around, I accidently squeezed its ear that has a voice recording: "YAHOOO!!! Ride 'em cowboy!!!" came out in a loud woman's voice. I just started laughing. How could I not!

Anybody who reads this and would like to join this challenge, just email me (go to my Blogger profile)!

Monday, June 1, 2009

May Challenge Photo from Billy

The picture is really who I am most of the time. I am very serious, compassionate, respectful, and loving. I wish I were in better shape and had my hair back. It is said that if all heads were perfect God would not put hair on them! -- B. Hayes