Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January Out and About Submission from Marsanne

"My post for today for the Creative Everyday Challenge. See me peeking through this cool mirror that we found at the Dollar Store? Only $10 bucks! I should have gotten it, but really, what would I use it for? It's not like I can really see myself in it...I try not to do too many pics with myself in them; I am much happier behind the camera. Plus, my mom looks at me all crazy when I take pictures of things in stores. :)" -- Marsanne


  1. omg that would look good on any way. a nice art piece...i have only been at the dollar store once and never saw anything like this. i would have picked it up for sure.

  2. This is lovely and reflects the "the seeker of beauty" in you -- no matter where you are!
